Good Morning! Or Afternoon depending on when you're reading this! :)
This is the first bible study on my blog and I'm super excited to share some Jesus with you today!
Some things that you might want to have with you if you're following along - which I hope you are ;)
~ a Bible, or have an app pulled up on your phone
~ a journal to take notes in
~ if you have a prayer journal, to write a prayer in at the end, that's great (if not, praying without writing it down works perfectly fine too!) :) I just like to write mine down so I can keep them to look back on!
Today I'm going to be looking at Matthew 5:43-48. My personal life at the moment definitely influenced my decision to study these specific verses. In case you don't have a bible with you right now, here are the verses:
We all know that Jesus says to "Love your neighbor," which is generally an easy thing to do most of the time. But something that most people, including me, have a hard time doing, is loving our enemies. This is something that requires a lot of strength and patience, because sometimes we feel that our enemies don't deserve us or our love and prayers.
In Matthew Chapter 12, the Pharisees were planning to kill Jesus, which Jesus knew. And what did he do? HE FED THEM. HE TAUGHT THEM. He showed them compassion even though he knew their plans. Do you have the strength and compassion to serve someone who wants to kill you? I seriously doubt it. But Jesus did. He also DIED for his enemies. In Romans 5:10 it says, "For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life." Jesus died for people who hated him, the least we can do is pray & be good to those who hate us!
Here are my notes that I didn't want to try to fit on my Bible pages! These are just some tips on how to love our enemies, and ways that we can strive to be like Jesus! :) (there's no way you'll ever be perfect like Him, but you should try!)
It takes a lot of courage and strength to be kind to our enemies, or pray for them, but if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we detach ourselves from the actions of others, and we strive to be like Jesus, it's possible!!
Give yourself time to grow and mature into a person who can love their enemies; and pray like crazy! Ask God for help while trying to be compassionate towards people we don't think deserve our love! He'll help you!
Now, take a minute to pray over this topic, ask God to help you love your enemies, thank Him for any blessings in your life, anything you feel the need to tell/ask him! :) I'll share mine with you too!
I hope you enjoyed today's bible study! This is the first Worship Wednesday and I'm pretty happy with how it's looking! I hope you took something from this, and if you followed along and took notes I hope you had fun, too! 'Til next time! :)