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  • Writer's picturehannah jordan

Trusting God's Plan ∙ Worship Wednesday 8.5.20

No. This post isn't going to be me giving you a bunch of Bible verses and inspirational quotes about why you need to trust God's plan or how to. Because I don't know how. I know we should and there are many many verses telling you that, but I have not yet mastered the whole "trust" thing.

I would feel horrible talking to y'all about trusting His plan when I have yet to do that myself. I am awful at the "what-if"s and "well, okay but if this happens then how will I..."s and "i just wanna know what to expect"s. I am awful at worrying about school and college and relationships, friendship or not, and even going through a drive-thru and embarrassing myself... yeah, I know.

So let's make a deal. You and I will both work on it. The next time you feel yourself start to worry about the future, and stress and start to say, "what if...." take a few deep breaths and say "I trust that God will work this out for me and everything is going to turn out perfectly fine." And I'll do the same.

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